News and Events
Reading Together This Week
Babylonian Captivity Ends
Sunday Isaiah 40:1-11
Monday Philippians 4:1-10
Tuesday Isaiah 40:12-15,21-31
Wednesday 1 Peter 2:13-17
Thursday Psalm 97
Friday Ezra 1:1-8,11,2:64-70
Saturday Isaiah 45:1-10
The Men's Discipleship Group is hosting a Ladies Breakfast on Saturday, September 21, 2024, @ 9:00. Come enjoy the fellowship around the tables.
Sunday, September 22, 2024, @ 5:00 the Sanford First Baptist Church is hosting a singspiration. There will be finger foods, pies, and beverages. They ask that you enter through the Kimball Street entrance.
The Men's Discipleship Group meets every Sunday at 9:00. They are using the book, The Pleasure of His Company to lead their discussions. You can join anytime and you don't have to come every week.
Children's Church is held each Sunday during worship. The students are dismissed part-way through the service.