Our History
Our Roots and Foundation – Our Beginnings

“The order of Christians called Baptists at Springvale and vicinity think that the interests of Christ’s Kingdom requires that a Baptist church be organized and constituted in this place, that a home may be afforded to our brethren and sisters in the Lord, and that a more effectual way may be opened for winning souls to Jesus Christ, think it indispensably necessary to secure the services of a ministering Brother who may break unto us the bread of life.”
With the above notice, a meeting was held on May 23, 1843 at the home of William Gage on Oak Street. A committee was formed and Rev. Eleasor Robbins of Waterboro was called to preach on the Sabbath for five dollars a Sabbath and to be boarded without charge. On June 24, 1843, a constitution was prepared and adopted which provided that the church was to be “Baptist at Springvale”.
Our Building
During the church’s early years, it had no meetinghouse. Services here held in the homes of members. In March of 1847, a lot of land on Main Street in the bustling little village of Springvale was purchased and a church was quickly erected thereon. The framework of the original church still serves as the sanctuary and vestry today. On August 3, 1847, the new house of worship was dedicated to Almighty God and opened for public worship.
Since its beginning, the members of First Baptist Church of Springvale have been committed to continued growth, and with that came many improvements to our church. In 1902, the original church building was extended at each level. A kitchen was added to the first floor vestry, a choir room was added to the rear of the sanctuary, and a classroom was added to the third floor.
On July 25, 1843, it was voted to adopt the covenant and articles of faith prepared by the New Hampshire Baptist convention. On July 27 that same year, a council consisting of local clergy met and recognized First Baptist of Springvale as a church. In August of 1843, the church applied for membership in the York Baptist Association. Today, our church maintains its nearly 175-year connection with, and membership in, the York Baptist Association. We are also a member in and support the programs of ABCOM, the American Baptist Churches of Maine and ABCUSA, American Baptist Churches U.S.A.

In 1950 the sanctuary received its first major redecoration following its first 100 years of use. At that time the chancel was rebuilt, the baptistry was moved; the sanctuary was refinished and redecorated. In 1952 the adjacent Main Street property was purchased and the church began a series of expansion projects which span the next six decades.
Eight years after this purchase, plans to build the education wing of the church commenced. The purpose of this expansion was to serve the educational needs of our youth and adults and this wing is still dedicated to that purpose today. In 1962, the rough construction of a three-level education wing was completed. Over the next six years, the body undertook the interior work and the wing was completed and dedicated November 28, 1968.
With the education wing completed the church body turned its attention to other projects. In 1977, the baptistry was completely remodeled. In 1985, another parcel of land adjacent to the church proper was acquired. This area was used to expand and improve the parking facilities and was paved in 1988. A major re-decorating of the sanctuary was undertaken in 1997. In 1999, the vestry was stripped down to its original stone foundation and the foundation was replaced with poured concrete walls. A new cement floor with radiant floor heating completed this modernization of the church vestry.
In 2002, a garage was added to the property used for storing work equipment as well as extra tables, chairs and grills. We have also improved our infrastructure, with upgrades to our heating system and sprinkler system, installation of a sound system, and purchased a projector, screen and a Roland digital piano. You will find that our nearly 175-year old church building is well equipped for the work of the Lord!

View from the back of the sanctuary
View from the front of the sanctuary
The Memorial Garden
Join us in the fellowship hall for refreshment before worship service on Sundays
Messages on Main Street
Lots of delicious meals prepared here!
Just like home - back door friends are the best! Entrance off Kirk Street.
Seasonal storage garage & playground
Please consider yourself personally invited to come a worship with us!